Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 26) Glasgow 2021
Run by Interfaith Glasgow and Interfaith Scotland an online event was held on Monday 24th May entitled, Together for our Planet: how faith communities can engage with COP26.
Over 120 people attended from a variety of faith communities from around the UK and further afield. This is the challenge of our time and demands the attention of us all.
A number of speakers presented on the huge challenges facing the planet due to climate change and offered a range of ways in which individuals and communities can get involved from now until COP26 in Glasgow.
The websites listed below give an idea of some of the possibilities.
Interfaith Scotland Resource for Faith Communities -
Scottish Religious Leaders Forum – Statement of Commitment -
Climate Fringe Week – ways to be involved/learn what others are doing/offer an event -
Scottish Interfaith Week will coincide with COP26 – learn what is on and bring news of events -
A time of Pilgrimage – Camino to COP26 -
From Dunbar to Glasgow – a pilgrimage to COP26 -
Climate Assembly UK – The Path to Net Zero -
Action by Faith Communities to make COP count -