Missional Discipleship
Practical Tools for Successful Outreach
Greyfriars Charteris Centre, 7pm, alternating Wednesdays
There are many books and courses devoted to Christian mission. While these are often helpful at sparking ideas or enthusiasm, many fall short of actually equipping us with the tools and disciplines necessary to do mission in a natural and effective way. We know we should be doing something, but often feel awkward, uneasy, on unprepared to do it.
Across five evening sessions, Pioneer Minister Rev Dr Liam Fraser will introduce the idea of missional discipleship. Missional discipleship is not about making converts, or new church members, but disciples, a process that begins by being discipled in turn. At the heart of this approach to discipleship is that we can only engage in appropriate, confident, and effective mission to others if we first understand God’s mission to us: what he has done in our life so far, and what he is doing at present. Without this living sense of God’s presence and action, we will struggle to understand what we should do, or feel much compulsion to do it. In addition to the evening sessions, Rev Dr Fraser and other Pioneers will be available for one-to-one discipleship meetings.