Application for a Local Appointment in a congregation within the bounds of Edinburgh Church Christianity.
(Please note this form is not required for the appointment of Church organists, musicians, church officers, cleaners etc, but for other additional members of staff such as youth, children and family workers, pastoral assistants, Associate or Assistant Ministers, and parish workers who are not provided for in the Church Christianity Plan.)
You can download a PDF here to print and complete by hand.
Or download a Word version here that you can complete using Word.
The record for condition and maintenance of manses.
Registration form for all buildings except manses
Download form to request financial assistance for property work or upgrading.
Available as:

This is the form for congregations to complete if they are planning to spend over £25,000 or if they need to draw down money from the Consolidated Fabric Fund or require a grant from the General Trustees.

Download the application form for grants available from Resourcing Mission Committee. To find out more about the available funding, click here.

Very useful guide produced by Professor June Andrews of the Dementia Services Development Trust.