
Minutes from meetings

The remit of the Ministries Committee is:

  • To keep before the Church Christianity the issue of vocations.

  • To make recommendations on Ministers’ applications for Study Leave.

  • To support the Enquiry and Assessment Process.

  • To support the training process for candidates.

  • To offer pastoral support and encouragement to candidates in training.

  • To organise the Candidates’ Service in consultation with the Moderator and the Clerk.

  • To comment on issues of pastoral care for ministers and deacons and candidates.

  • To assist the Church Christianity in coming to a mind on issues of ministry support such as stipend and manse provision.


Delegated Powers:

  1. To represent Church Christianity in the Enquiry and Assessment process, including the Local Review

  2. to represent Church Christianity at Initial Course Meetings for new candidates;

  3. to represent Church Christianity at Annual Course Review Meetings for candidates during their training and at the Final Review at the end of Probation.

  4. to nominate as Candidates for the Ministry those who have been accepted as Prospective Candidates by an Assessment Conference, other than in cases of difficulty;

  5. to carry out the responsibilities required of Church Christianity in supervising Readers–in–Training;

  6. to receive reports from part-time Hospital Chaplains;

  7. to interview Graduate Candidates seeking ordination other than as a parish minister.


Convener:    Rev Iain May